Dr. Bardovi-Harlig makes the Stanford Top 2% Scientist List
The annual list names the worlds top 2% of frequently cited scientists across all disciplines..
The annual list names the worlds top 2% of frequently cited scientists across all disciplines..
SLS Professor Mike Stringer has been featured in the Herald-Times...
The Journal: Language Learning has awarded DSLS's Brian Rocca a research grant to help fund his Doctoral dissertation....
Professors Sprouse and Sapp receive grant for their work in Germanic Studies
Please join us in celebrating this amazing achievement!
The joint language program between Second Language Studies' Practicum and the Institute of English and American Studies of the University of Debrecen, Hungary concludes after three successful years.You can read more about the collaboration and participants' experiences here on the Institute of English and American Studies website.
Join us in congratulating IUDSLS students Danielle, Ryan and Franziska on publishing an article that dives into free classification as a method for investigating the perception of nonnative sounds.You can read the article here as hosted on the Cambridge University Press website.
Nora McNamara, current Ph.D. student in Second Language Studies, was presented with two awards for her presentation at the Spring 2023 IU Foreign/Second Language Share Fair on April 7, 2023. Nora's presentation, Minimal Physical Response With Picture Dictionaries, was honored as Most Interactive Presentation and Most Useful/Practical Presentation.
Dr. Dudley Reynolds has been honored as recipient of the 2023 James E. Alatis Award for Service to TESOL. Reynolds graduated from Indiana University in 1996 with a Ph.D. in Second Language Acquisition.
Last spring, SLST-T 435/535 TESOL Practicum students partook in a continuing collaboration between IU Bloomington and the Univeristy of Debrecen. Under the supervision of Dr. Beatrix Burghardt, practicum students developed and delivered English lessons aimed at students studying English at the University of Debrecen. In a recent press release from the Faculty of Humanities of UD, UD students share their thoughts on the experience.
Dr. Beatrix Burghardt honored at the Trustee Teaching Award, Center for Innovation Teaching and Learning Grants/Fellowships, and FACET inductees reception onNovember 29, 2022.
Kimberly Wan was awarded a Language Learning Dissertation fellowship for research expenses associated with her project, L2 English learners’ interpretation of pragma-prosodic meaning in conventional expressions.
Recent Ph.D. graduate Paul Richards has had his dissertation article accepted by Language Learning and Technology for publication in 2023. The article title is "Pragmatic feedback on refusals in a computer simulated advising session."
In July 2022, an edited transcript of the IU webinar on Indigenous resilience during the COVID-19 pandemic, convened and moderated by David Stringer, was published in Langscape.
Dr. Beatrix Burghardt is incoming co-chair of the TESOL Materials Writers Interest Section for 2022-2023.
Prof. Shin has started to serve as a Chair for Applied Linguistics Interest Section for year 2022-23.
Y. Park, S. Lee, and Prof. Shin have published their recent study at Language Testing. Park, Y., Lee, S., & Shin, S.-Y. (2022). Developing a Local Academic English Listening Test Using Authentic Unscripted Audio-Visual Texts. Language Testing, 39(3), 401-424. https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/02655322221076024