Our department prepares leading language professionals of the future through a curriculum that provides a strong foundation in the structure, acquisition, and use of nonnative language systems. Our faculty includes internationally recognized second language acquisition researchers in the areas of assessment, language and identity, mental lexicon, neurolinguistics, pedagogy, phonetics and phonology, pragmatics, processing, semantics, and syntax. We are interested in both basic research and evidence-based classroom applications. We offer an M.A. in TESOL and Applied Linguistics, an M.A. in Second Language Studies, a Ph.D. in Second Language Studies, and a Graduate Certificate in TESOL and Applied Linguistics, as well as a Ph.D. minor in Second Language Studies.
Research opportunities + resources
Most Ph.D. students and many M.A. students in our department participate in faculty-led research or enrichment opportunities. Depending on the sub-specialty, these may take the form of research labs, research groups, research partnerships, or reading groups. Our students find these experiences invaluable in their preparation as professional researchers and teachers.
Friday Afternoon Research Colloquium
From the earliest days of the department, our Friday Afternoon Research Colloquium has been the cornerstone of our life as a department. The Colloquium features faculty and student research in progress, practice conference talks, dissertation proposal presentations, guest lectures, and professionalization and research skills workshops.