Michelle Adams
Graduate Student
- adamsmia@indiana.edu
Ph.D. student
Graduate Student
Ph.D. student
Graduate Student
Ph.D. student
MA in Second Language Studies
Aiperi Aitbaeva received her undergraduate degree in "Theory and Teaching Methods of Foreign languages and Culture” at I. Arabaev Kyrgyz State University (KSU) in Kyrgyzstan in 2015. In 2021, she came to IU as a Fullbright FLTA to teach Kyrgyz language and culture at the Hamilton Lugar School. She has also taught Kyrgyz at the Summer Language Workshop and is currently developing an Intermediate Kyrgyz textbook at CeLCAR in the Central Eurasian Studies Department. She is interested in third language acquisition and developing research-driven teaching materials for Kyrgyz to respond to their shortage in the US and Kyrgyzstan. She likes biking, swimming, and making Central Asian food.
MA in Second Language Studies
Saadat Alieva earned her undergraduate degree in Foreign Languages from I. Arabaev Kyrgyz State University in Kyrgyzstan. She pursued her graduate studies in the Theory and Methods of Teaching and Education in Naryn, Kyrgyzstan. Alieva was awarded an Erasmus+ Mobility Program Grant, enabling her to study English at the Department of Modern Languages and Literatures in Zlín, Czech Republic. She was granted a Fulbright Scholarship and served as a Fulbright Foreign Language Assistant (FLTA), teaching Kyrgyz at the Hamilton Lugar School at IU in the 2022-2023. She has more than eight years of experience in teaching Kyrgyz and English languages.
Graduate Student
Diana Arroyo is a Ph.D. student in SLS with a focus on instructed second language acquisition. Her research interests include aptitude-treatment interactions, task-based language teaching, and measures of explicit and implicit language knowledge. More specifically, she is interested in the effects of corrective feedback in SLA in interactional contexts.
Graduate Student
Hunter Brakovec is a Ph.D. student in Second Language Studies whose research interests are L2 syntax and phonology. His background includes an M.A. in Second Language Studies from Indiana University and a B.A. in Russian from the University of Pennsylvania.
Graduate Student
Ph.D. student
Bihua Chen is a Ph.D. student in Second Language Studies and Cognitive Science. Her research interests include perception and production of casual speech and language assessment. She is currently teaching first year Japanese.
Graduate Student
Eric is a PhD student in Second Language Studies from Tainan, Taiwan. His research interests include second language acquisition, psycholinguistics, and L2 phonetics and phonology. He received his M.A. in Linguistics from National Chengchi University (Taiwan). Before that, he completed his B.A. in Foreign Languages and Literature and a High School Teacher Certification from National Chi Nan University (Taiwan). He has taught English in Taiwan for eight years and also was an English Assessment Researcher at the Language Training & Testing Center in Taipei, Taiwan. Eric Chen (pinyuericchen.com)
Graduate Student
Jaesu Choi is a Ph.D. student in Second Language Studies. His areas of interest are in the fields of representations of implicit/explicit knowledge, task complexity in the testing context, development and validation of educational, psychological, and linguistic measurement, and psychometric modeling: Structural Equation Modeling (SEM), Item Response Theory (IRT), and Bayesian models.
Graduate Student
Kenna Daniel is a Ph.D. student in Second Language Studies whose research interests include Italian second language acquisition and pedagogy. She has been teaching Italian language and ESL courses for the past ten years. She has an M.A. in Italian from Indiana University, an M.A. in TESOL from the University of Mississippi, and an M.A. in SLS from Indiana University.
Graduate Student
Jinman Fu is a Ph.D. student in Second Language Studies. She received her M.A. in Applied English Linguistics program and TESOL program from the University of Wisconsin-Madison in 2020. Her research interests include second language phonology and language assessment.
Zhicheng Han is a Ph.D. student in Second Language Studies. He has an M.A. in Applied Linguistics from Teachers College, Columbia University, and a B.S. in Sociology from Brigham Young University. His interests include instructed SLA, Task-based Language Teaching, and Corrective Feedback.
Hongyu also goes by Ruby. She comes from Anhui, China. She is a PhD student in Second Language Studies. She is also a videographer and a photographer.
Keiji Iwamoto is from Kasukabe, Saitama, Japan. He received a B.A. in Education at Waseda University (Tokyo) and an M.A. in Applied Linguistics/TESOL at the University of Mississippi. His research focuses on the acquisition of second language phonetics/phonology and sound change (cue-weighting). He teaches Japanese at the Department of East Asian Languages and Cultures and the Summer Language Workshop. He likes tennis and Human Beatbox.
Mohammad is a PhD student in Second Language Studies from Shiraz, Iran. He received his M.A. in TEFL from Shiraz University (Iran). Before that, he completed his B.A. in English Language and Literature (Iran). He has taught general English and IELTS courses in Iran for the past 6 years before coming to Indiana University.
Sarah Kim (she/her) is a Ph.D. student in Second Language Studies whose main research interests include (instructed) second language acquisition and bilingualism. She received bachelor’s degrees in music and linguistics, and a M.S. in data analytics from the University of Massachusetts Amherst.
Graduate Student
Ph.D. candidate
MA in TESOL & Applied Linguistics
Keren is a student in the MA in TESOL & Applied Linguistics. She received her B.A. in English Teaching from the University of Costa Rica. She teaches for the English Language Instructional Program (ELIP).
Graduate Student
Ryan Lidster is a Ph.D. candidate in SLS with a focus on the assessment of second language listening and speaking. His research explores issues in the acquisition of non-native sound systems on the one hand, as well as the use of language assessments for decision-making purposes, including validity argumentation and measurement theory, on the other, with particular focus on English and Japanese.
Maggie is a PhD student and a senior lecturer at the Department of East Asian Languages and Cultures. Her research interests include L2 pragmatics and language assessment.
Graduate Student
Graduate Student
Fengming Liu is a Ph.D. student in Second Language Studies. She received her M.A. in Applied Linguistics from Beijing Language and Culture University. Her research interests include L2 Pragmatics, L2 assessment, and Chinese Psycholinguistics.
Graduate Student
Graduate Student
Jeanne McGill, a Ph.D. candidate in SLS, is currently working on her dissertation, entitled Do Words Matter? How Lexical Input Influences German/English Bilinguals’ Syntax in Beginning Swedish. Besides L3 acquisition, she is interested in language revitalization and classroom language teaching and learning. She has an M.A. in German and has also taught Spanish and academic English.
Graduate Student
Nora McNamara is a Ph.D. student in Second Language Studies whose interests include second language phonology and instructed second language acquisition. She has coached adults learning a variety of languages overseas for the past 10 years. Her languages are French and Spanish, and she is currently learning American Sign Language.
Graduate Student
M.A in TESOL and Applied Linguistics
Abigail is an M.A. student in TESOL and Applied Linguistics. She received a B.A. in linguistics from the University of Pittsburgh and has taught EFL in Korea and Japan.
PhD Student
Isaiah O’Bryon is a PhD student in the department of Second Language Studies at the University of Indiana. His interests include multilingualism, L2 phonology and pronunciation instruction particularly involving Spanish and Portuguese as second or additional languages. Isaiah’s background includes MA in Spanish and a BA in Spanish and Linguistics from the University of Ohio. He has taught English as a Foreign language in Ecuador and Spain, as well as Spanish and ESL in the United States.
Sadi Phillips is a Ph.D. student in Second Language Studies. Her research interests include second language phonology and psycholinguistics, particularly in regard to the mental lexicon. Sadi has an M.A. in TESOL from West Virginia University.
Graduate Student
Tory Robinson is a Ph.D. student in Second Language Studies whose research interests are psycholinguistics and second language phonology. Her background includes an M.A. in Spanish, and a B.A. in Psychology and Spanish from the University of Mississippi, as well as two years teaching both English and Spanish at the University level.
Brian Rocca is a PhD candidate in Second Language Studies. His main research interests are second language phonology and pedagogy with a focus on phonological networks and pronunciation instruction. Brian has an MA in Linguistics/TESOL from the University of Illinois at Chicago and has taught ESL/EFL in the United States, Indonesia, and Chile.
Graduate Student
Suchada Sanonguthai is a Ph.D. student in Second Language Studies from Bangkok, Thailand. Her background includes Thai EFL in secondary and university education. Her research interests are high-stakes language assessment, test washback, language policy, and curriculum design.
MA in Second Language Studies
Emma Scott is a master's student in Second Language Studies. She attended the University of Kansas and graduated with a BA in Linguistics in 2022. Her interests are English and Korean morphosyntax and semantics. She is currently an Associate Instructor in the English Language Instructional Program.
Graduate Student
Yuri is a PhD student in Second Language Studies from Brazil. He received his M.A. in Linguistics, along with a TESOL certificate, from Syracuse University. Prior to that, he completed his B.A. in Portuguese and English in Brazil, where he taught English for eight years. At IU, he is part of the Second Language Psycholinguistics lab, and his current interests include L2 Phonology, bilingual lexical access and L2 phonotactics.
Kimberly Wan is a Ph.D. candidate in Second Language Studies. Her research interests include technology-assisted language learning, pragmatics, phonology, and language assessment. She has an M.A. from the Chinese Flagship Program at The Ohio State University and a B.A. in Linguistics and Chinese from University of Maryland, College Park.
Ludan is a PhD student in Second Language Studies from Chengdu, China. She is interested in how languages interact in the bi- and multilingual mind and what implications that could have for language pedagogy. She received her MSc in Applied Linguistics from the University of Edinburgh. Before that, she completed her B.A. in Japanese Language from the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China. She also studied at Utsunomiya University as a Japanese Government Scholarship Student. She has taught English and Japanese in China and is currently teaching second-year Japanese
Jungwon Yoo is a PhD student in Second Language Studies. Her research interests include instructed second language acquisition, corrective feedback, and the issues in the L2 acquisition focusing on individual differences. She is currently a member of Instructed Second Language Acquisition Lab.